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Thank you for your interest in the Glynn County Sports Hall of Fame. The Hall of Fame Board of Directors is made up of community citizens who believe strongly in Glynn County Athletics and serve on our board to help promote the Hall of Fame and support its events and programs. Board members work diligently with the elected officers to help the non-profit organization with its overall goals and mission to induct qualified and deserving candidates into the Hall of Fame membership while also preserving our county’s rich history in athletics for generations to come.


President: Kevin Price

Vice President: Jay Cason

Secretary: Keith Reddings

Treasurer: Rusty Sweat


Theresa Adams
Billy Copelan
Michael Thomas

Jeff Bennett

Jerry Moore

Tony Reyna

Dalton Klimp

Nick Sasser

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© 2024 by Glynn County Sports Hall of Fame. Designed by Hatched Media Group

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