Sonny was employed by the Brunswick Recreation Department from 1954 until he retired in 1992. He became the director of the department in 1964 and became an icon in Glynn County by shaping the lives of thousands of young boys and girls who came through his program over the years. Miller was also quite a coach in his own right, annually taking his Optimist All-Star boys football team to Hialeah, Fla. to face the Hialeah All-Stars prior to the annual Orange Bowl game in Miami. Miller also coached the Brunswick Jaycee football team to huge victories over the Fuzz Busters (area law enforcement officers and firemen) in the fund-raising Marsh Bowl games at old Lanier Field. Sonny was quite an athlete himself in his days at Glynn Academy, playing halfback on the Red Terrors football team while also being a star sprinter for the Glynn track team. Miller was second in the state 100-yard dash in 1944.